Terence’s Stuff
In this column, Terry Speed recalls his vow always to look at a scatter plot before calculating a Pearson correlation.

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  Piled Higher and Deeper, by Jorge Cham. This cartoon, originally published at www.phdcomics.com, echoes the sentiments in Terry Speed’s last column. You can read what he has to say about looking—really looking—for solutions, in his column on page 13 of the Jan/Feb 2012 issue, or here.…

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In this column, Terry Speed argues against the temptation to avoid looking hard at larger data sets. Seek…and find answers!

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There’s a world of difference between the talk and the walk. In this column, Terry Speed explains what he knows about knowledge.

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Terry Speed considers the challenges in evaluating the case for career advancement of interdisciplinary statisticians—that must be overcome.

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