Student Puzzle Corner
Student Puzzle editor Anirban DasGupta set a problem about random walks, in the October/November issue. The deadline for submitting your solution is December 1, 2020. See the puzzle here.…

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Deadline: December 1, 2020 Puzzle Editor Anirban DasGupta offers “more or less a textbook problem” this time, which pertains to various important questions on linear polymers. He says, “It will be easy for you to read about the connections; you can figure out most of the parts very quickly.” Here

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Deadline September 15, 2020. Student members of IMS are invited to submit solutions to (with subject “Student Puzzle Corner”). The names of student members who submit correct solutions, and the answer, will be published in the issue following the deadline. The Puzzle Editor is Anirban DasGupta. His decision is

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Deadline July 1, 2020. Contributing Editor Anirban DasGupta writes: After our last puzzle with probabilities on hyperspheres [see solution below], it is now time to turn our thoughts again to something in statistics. This time it’s a problem on epidemiology. Anirban DasGupta deliberately leaves this problem incompletely formulated. A correct…

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The problem framed this time is at least partially a classic problem in geometry. You can find a lot in the literature about where this general problem arises in numerous fields of application. Some previous exposure to spherical geometry would probably be helpful, particularly for part (e). Here is the

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