Student Puzzle Corner
Puzzle editor Anirban DasGupta returns with these puzzles in our contest model. Each correct answer receives 3 points, each incorrect answer receives -2 points, and each item left unanswered receives -1 point. You can answer just one of the two problems, 55.1 and 55.2, but it will be fantastic if…
Anirban DasGupta says, “We are staying with our contest model introduced in the previous puzzles. Each correct answer receives 3 points, each incorrect answer receives -2 points, and each item left unanswered receives -1 point. The top three scorers will be recognized. You can answer just one of the two …
Anirban DasGupta says, “We are continuing with our contest model as in the previous puzzles. Each correct answer receives 3 points, each incorrect answer receives -2 points, and each item left unanswered receives -1 point. The top three scorers will be recognized. You can answer just one of the two…
Student members of IMS are invited to submit solutions to (subject “Student Puzzle Corner”). If correct, we’ll publish your name (and photo, if there’s space), and the answer, in the next issue. The Puzzle Editor is Anirban DasGupta. His decision is final.
Anirban DasGupta says, “We are continuing with …
Anirban DasGupta says, “We are going to continue with our contest model introduced in the previous puzzle. Each correct answer receives 3 points, each incorrect answer receives -2 points, and each item left unanswered receives -1 point. The top three scorers will be recognized. You can answer just one of …