Mark Girolami is an EPSRC Established Career Research Fellow (2012–2018) and was previously an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow (2007–2012). He is the Director of the Lloyds Register Foundation Turing Programme on Data Centric Engineering, and previously led the EPSRC-funded Research Network on Computational Statistics and Machine Learning which is now …
Sara van de Geer is Professor of Statistics in the Department of Mathematics, ETH Zürich. Her work focuses on mathematical statistics, for example, theory for M-estimators in high/infinite dimensions, adaptation to unknown sparsity, semi-parametric theory, confidence sets in high-dimensional models, and concentration of measure for high-dimensional and nonparametric problems. She…
Bin Yu is Chancellor’s Professor in the Departments of Statistics and of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science at the University of California at Berkeley. Her current research interests focus on solving high-dimensional data problems through developments of statistics and machine learning methodologies, algorithms, and theory. Her group is engaged in…
Nanny Wermuth is professor emerita at the Division of Mathematical Statistics, Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, and affiliated professor at the Medical School of the Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany. Among her main research interests are multivariate statistical models and their properties, especially graphical Markov models, as well…
Vanessa Didelez has just moved to Germany from the University of Bristol, UK, to be Professor of Statistics and Causal Inference at the Leibniz Institute, University of Bremen. Her research focuses on graphical models and causal inference especially in time-dependent settings, and encompasses aspects of statistics, epidemiology, philosophy and computer…