Lines from Layla
Our contributing editor Layla Parast writes about her new-found appreciation for the surprising complexities of American football:
Mid-February can be a bittersweet time for many in the United States—it signals the end of the (American) football season. For some, this may evoke no feelings at all. Football? Why bother?…
Layla Parast writes:
Fall is the time for apples, pumpkin spice, crunching leaves, and—for me—freshmen. Some people strongly dislike teaching freshmen, but I love it. I feel like a summer camp counselor again, except that this time I don’t have to worry about kids being pushed in pools or whacked…
Layla Parast, Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics and Data Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin, has come up with a new way of working (or deep-working) with her PhD students. She writes:
Have you ever had one of those days where you’ve worked all day, responding…
Layla Parast writes:
A few years ago, my dad had a heart attack. (He continues to claim it was just a “discomfort.”) When he was in the emergency room, his doctor told him he needed heart surgery right away. My dad had never had a major surgery and had no…
Contributing Editor Layla Parast is aiming for excellence…by being medium-good:
A few years ago, Netflix recommended to me a documentary called “Fittest on Earth: A Decade of Fitness,” which was about the 2017 CrossFit Games. I knew what CrossFit was—it involved running around carrying balls and kettlebells and lots of…