Nicole Lazar is a contributing editor of the IMS Bulletin. She writes: A February 27, 2013 posting by Alice Meadows on the website scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org bore the title Are Scholarly Societies Still Relevant to Young Researchers? Perhaps Surprisingly, Yes They Are. The article dealt with the reality that many professional…

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Jean Opsomer highlights the rise in dubious journals and conferences, and asks whether we—particularly new researchers—should be concerned: Many of us regularly receive email invitations to submit articles to journals we have never heard of, to join editorial boards for those same journals (often in the same email!), or to…

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Former IMS Bulletin Editor, and current Co-editor of JASA, Xuming He, writes: In order to disseminate our research results, we are expected to publish. We also publish to establish a track record as scholars. Publications are needed for annual evaluations as well as tenure and promotion for each individual. Publications…

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Radu V Craiu, Department of Statistics, University of Toronto, considers whether statisticians need a new image: We keep hearing stories about insomniac surgeons, smug lawyers who all happen to be very well-dressed, overall-clad artists who are sleeping on their friends’ sofas until they make it big. While partially rejecting these…

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IMS Bulletin Editor Dimitris Politis writes: Refereeing is part of the job description for most of us. Good papers get even better after receiving expert feedback, and mediocre papers are returned to the drawing board. Referees donate their time as part of the review process, and in return have the…

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