IMS news
Have you voted yet for who you would like to represent you on the IMS Council, and as IMS President? The nominee for President-Elect is Tony Cai. There are 10 candidates standing for the five available places on Council: Sourav Chatterjee, Gábor Lugosi, Marina Meila, Andrew B. Nobel, Roberto

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Pragya Sur is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics at Harvard University, and the President of the IMS New Researchers Group. She welcomes you to join in its activities, including the New Researchers Conference, held this year at the University of Toronto immediately before the Joint Statistical Meetings.…

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The IMS would like to thank all those individuals who have contributed to the IMS: you can read the list of IMS funds, and those who have donated. Further contributions are welcome! Please see Thank you all!…

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The IMS Treasurer’s annual report is published online on the Council Reports page at The report details membership and subscription data for 2021. The total number of IMS members increased, but the total number of paying members decreased. Subscriptions by institutions increased very slightly.  The financial status of…

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IMS 2022 Annual Meeting organizers Qiwei Yao and Thomas Mikosch were delighted to welcome more than 520 participants—including over 100 students—to the IMS Annual Meeting in London at the end of June ( For many attendees it was their first in-person conference in three years, and there was a lively…

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