Papers to Appear in Subsequent Issues

When papers are accepted for publication, they will appear below. Any changes that are made during the production process will only appear in the final version. Papers listed here are not updated during the production process and are removed once an issue is published.

Matrix models for multilevel Heckman-Opdam and multivariate Bessel measures Yi Sun
Fractal Geometry of the Valleys of the Parabolic Anderson Equation Promit Ghosal and Jaeyun Yi
Hydrodynamic Behavior of Long-Range Symmetric Exclusion with a Slow Barrier: Diffusive Regime Pedro Cardoso, Patricia Gonçalves, and Byron Jiménez-Oviedo
Estimation of statistics of transitions and Hill relation for Langevin dynamics Tony Lelièvre, Mouad Ramil, and Julien Reygner
Gibbs partitions: a comprehensive phase diagram Benedikt Stufler
Cramer’s moderate deviations for  martingales with applications Xiequan Fan and Qi-Man Shao
About an extension of the Matsumoto -Yor property Gérard Letac and Jacek Wesołowski
Probabilistic limit theorems via the operator perturbation method, under optimal moment assumptions Francoise Pene
Multi-colour competition with reinforcement Daniel Ahlberg and Carolina Fransson
Convergence of the dynamical discrete web to the dynamical Brownian web Krishnamurthi Ravishankar and Kumarjit Saha
Roughness of geodesics in Liouville quantum gravity Zherui Fan and Subhajit Goswami
Height of weighted recursive trees with sub-polynomially growing total weight Michel Pain and Delphin Sénizergues
Uniqueness and non-uniqueness of the Gaussian free field evolution  under the two-dimensional  Wick ordered cubic wave equation Tadahiro Oh, Mamoru Okamoto, and Nikolay Tzvetkov
Central Limit Theorem for the number of real roots of random orthogonal polynomials Yen Do, Hoi Nguyen, Oanh Nguyen, and Igor Pritsker
Sharp high-dimensional central limit theorems for log-concave distributions Xiao Fang and Yuta Koike
Phase transition for extremes of a family of stationary multiple-stable processes Shuyang Bai and Yizao Wang
Hydrodynamic limit for asymmetric simple exclusion with accelerated boundaries Lu Xu
Erratum : Rates of convergence in the central limit theorem for martingales in the non stationary setting Jérôme Dedecker, Florence Merlevède, and Emmanuel Rio
Random walks on decorated Galton Watson trees Eleanor Archer
Scaling limits of random looptrees and bipartite plane maps with prescribed large faces Cyril Marzouk
Quadratic variations for Gaussian isotropic random fields on the sphere Radomyra Shevchenko
The critical tree of a renormalization model as a  growth-fragmentation process Thomas Duquesne, Bernard Derrida, and Zhan Shi
On Moments of Multiplicative Coalescents Vitalii Konarovskyi and Vlada Limic
KPZ on torus: Gaussian fluctuations Yu Gu and Tomasz Komorowski
Effect of small noise on the speed of reaction-diffusion equations with non-Lipschitz drift Leonid Mytnik, Clayton Barnes, and Zhenyao Sun
Scaling limits for random walks on random critical trees Manuel Cabezas, Gerard Ben Arous, and Alexander Fribergh
Linear and superlinear spread for  stochastic combustion growth process Viktor Bezborodov and Tyll Krueger
Existence and uniqueness of the conformally covariant volume measure on conformal loop ensembles Jason P. Miller and Lukas Schoug
On log-concave approximations of high-dimensional posterior measures and stability properties in non-linear inverse problems Jan Bohr and Richard Nickl
Higher order fluctuations of extremal eigenvalues of sparse random matrices Jaehun Lee
Prevalence of ρ-irregularity and related properties Lucio Galeati and Massimiliano Gubinelli
Overlaps, Eigenvalue Gaps, and Pseudospectrum under Real Ginibre and Absolutely Continuous Perturbations Jess Banks, Jorge Garza-Vargas, Nikhil Srivsatava, and Archit Kulkarni
The contact process over a dynamical d-regular graph Gabriel Leite Baptista da Silva, Roberto Imbuzeiro Oliveira, and Daniel Valesin
Extremal independence in discrete random systems Mikhail Isaev, Igor Rodionov, Rui-Ray Zhang, and Maksim Zhukovskii
Inference for ergodic McKean-Vlasov stochastic differential equations with polynomial interactions Valentine Genon-Catalot and Catherine Larédo
When is the convex hull of a Lévy path smooth? David Bang, Jorge Ignacio Gonzalez Cazares, and Aleksandar Mijatovic
From flip processes to dynamical systems on graphons Frederik Garbe, Jan Hladky, Matas Šileikis, and Fiona Skerman
Random Walks in the High-Dimensional Limit I Zakhar Kabluchko and Alexander V. Marynych
A stochastic reconstruction theorem Hannes Lutz Kern
Linear spectral statistics of eigenvectors of anisotropic sample covariance matrices Fan Yang
Bilinear Coagulation Equations Daniel Heydecker and Robert I. A. Patterson
Percolation phase transition on planar spin systems Caio Teodoro de Magalhães Alves, Gideon Amir, Rangel Baldasso, and Augusto Teixeira
Critical Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos revisited Hubert Lacoin
On Natural Measures of SLE- and CLE-Related Random Fractals Gefei Cai and Xinyi Li
Universality of the least singular value and singular vector delocalization for Levy non-symmetric matrices Michail Louvaris
Stochastic difference equation with diagonal matrices Ewa Maria Damek
Phase transitions for infinite products of large non-Hermitian random matrices Dang-Zheng Liu and Yanhui Wang
Spectral analysis of a class of Lévy-type processes and connection with some spin systems Grégoire Véchambre
The Multi-type Bisexual Galton-Watson Branching Process Coralie Fritsch, Denis Villemonais, and Nicolas Zalduendo
Sharp convergence to equilibrium for the SSEP with reservoirs Patrícia Gonçalves, Milton Jara, Rodrigo Marinho, and Otávio Menezes
Tail bounds for detection times in mobile hyperbolic graphs Marcos Kiwi, Amitai Linker, and Dieter Mitsche
An edge CLT for the log determinant of Laguerre beta ensembles Elizabeth Collins-Woodfin and Han Gia Le
Corrigendum: Global martingale solutions for quasilinear SPDEs via the boundedness-by-entropy method Ansgar Jüngel and Florian Huber
Uniqueness of Markov random fields with higher-order dependencies Dorota Kępa-Maksymowicz and Yuri Kozitsky
Stochastic Fusion of Interacting Particle Systems and Duality Functions Jeffrey Kuan
Exponential ergodicity of branching processes with immigration and competition Pei-Sen Li, Zenghu Li, Jian Wang, and Xiaowen Zhou
Conditioned local limit theorems for random walks on the real line Ion Grama and Hui Xiao
Non-uniqueness in law of the two-dimensional surface quasi-geostrophic equations forced by random noise Kazuo Yamazaki
A transfer principle for branched rough paths Emilio Ferrucci
Uniform convergence of Dyson Ferrari-Spohn diffusions to the Airy line ensemble Evgeni Dimitrov and Christian Serio
A covariance formula for the number of excursion set components of Gaussian fields and applications Dmitry Beliaev, Michael McAuley, and Stephen Muirhead
Denseness of biadapted Monge mappings Mathias Beiglböck, Gudmund Pammer, and Stefan Schrott
Annealed limit for a diffusive disordered mean-field model with random jumps Xavier Erny
Estimation of smooth functionals of covariance operators: jackknife bias reduction and bounds in terms of effective rank Vladimir Koltchinskii
Superdiffusion Transition for a Phonon Boltzmann Equation Gaëtan Cane
Focusing Gibbs measures  with harmonic potential Tristan Robert, Kihoon Seong, Leonardo Tolomeo, and Yuzhao Wang
Critical and near-critical level-set percolation of the Gaussian free field on regular trees Jiří Černý and Ramon Locher
Nonbijective scaling limit of maps via restriction Avelio Sepúlveda, Jéremie Bettinelli, Nicolas Curien, and Luis Fredes
Mesoscopic eigenvalue statistics for Wigner-type matrices Volodymyr Riabov
Extreme eigenvalues of Log-concave Ensemble Zhigang Bao and Xiaocong Xu
Refined regularity of SLE Yizheng Yuan
Hydrodynamic limit of an exclusion process with vorticity Leonardo De Carlo, Davide Gabrielli, and Patricia Goncalves
Uniform minorization condition and convergence bounds for discretizations of kinetic Langevin dynamics Alain Durmus, Aurélien Enfroy, Éric Moulines, and Gabriel Stoltz
Law of large numbers for ballistic random walks in dynamic random environments under lateral decoupling Weberson da Silva Arcanjo, Rangel Baldasso, Marcelo Richard Hilário, and Renato Soares dos Santos
Pruning, cut trees, and the reconstruction problem Nicolas Broutin, Hui He, and Minmin Wang
Eyring-Kramers type formulas for some piecewise deterministic Markov processes Boris Nectoux, Dorian Le Peutrec, and Laurent Michel
Hypergeometric SLE with k=8: convergence of UST and LERW in topological rectangles Yong Han, Mingchang Liu, and Hao Wu
The supremum of Brownian local times on Hölder curves revisited Richard F. Bass and Krzysztof Burdzy
Hydrodynamic limit and cutoff for the biased adjacent walk on the simplex Cyril Labbé and Enguérand Petit
Representations of Hecke algebras and Markov dualities for interacting particle systems Alexander Povolotsky, Pavel Pyatov, Roger Tribe, Bruce Westbury, and Oleg V Zaboronski
Gaussian, stable, tempered stable and mixed limit laws for random walks in cooling random environments Luca Avena, Conrado da Costa, and Jonathon Peterson
Uniform in time weak propagation of chaos on the torus Francois Delarue and Alvin Tse
Functional limits for “tied down”  occupation time processes of infinite ergodic transformations Jon Aaronson and Toru Sera
Binary branching processes with Moran type interactions Alexander Cox, Emma Horton, and Denis Villemonais
Infinite geodesics, competition interfaces and the second class particle in the scaling limit Mustazee Rahman and Balint Virag
A lower-tail limit in the weak noise theory Yier Lin and Li-Cheng Tsai
The contact process on dynamical scale-free networks Emmanuel Jacob, Amitai Linker, and Peter Mörters
Steady state large deviations for one-dimensional, symmetric exclusion processes in weak contact with reservoirs Claudio Landim, Angele Bouley, and Clement Erignoux
Large deviations for the volume of hyperbolic k-nearest neighbor balls Christian Hirsch, Moritz Otto, Takashi Owada, and Christoph Thäle
Inducing techniques for quantitative recurrence and applications to Misiurewicz maps and doubly intermittent maps Dylan Bansard-Tresse and Jorge Milhazes Freitas
A unified approach to gradient type formulas for decoupled FBSDEs and some applications Xiliang Fan, Michael Röckner, and Shao-Qin Zhang
Scaling limit of the directional conductivity of random resistor networks on  point processes Alessandra Faggionato
Eigenvalues and spectral gap in sparse random simplicial complexes Shaked Leibzirer and Ron Rosenthal
Absence of weak disorder for directed polymers on supercritical percolation clusters Maximilian Nitzschner
Singularity degree of structured random matrices David Renfrew
SLEκ(ρ) bubble measures Dapeng Zhan
The conditioned Lyapunov spectrum for random dynamical systems Matheus M. Castro, Dennis Chemnitz, Hugo Chu, Maximilian Engel, Jeroen S.W. Lamb, and Martin Rasmussen
Slow-fast dynamics in stochastic Lotka-Volterra systems Julien Barré, Bastien Fernandez, and Grégoire Panel
Reducing metastable continuous-space Markov chains to Markov chains on a finite set Nils Berglund
On large 3/2-stable maps Emmanuel Kammerer
Spatial Markov property in Brownian disks Jean-François Le Gall and Armand Riera
Large Deviations Asymptotics for Unbounded Additive Functionals of Diffusion Processes Mihail Bazhba, Jose Blanchet, Roger Laeven, and Bert Zwart
Emergence of fractional Gaussian free field correlations in subcritical long-range Ising models Romain Panis and Trishen S Gunaratnam
Gibbs measures for the repulsive Bose gas Tianyi Bai and Quirin Vogel
Edge Universality of Sparse Random Matrices Jiaoyang Huang and Horng-Tzer Yau
Quantitative weak propagation of chaos for stable-driven McKean-Vlasov SDEs Thomas Cavallazzi
Homological percolation on a torus: plaquettes and permutohedra Paul Duncan, Matthew Kahle, and Benjamin Schweinhart
Improved Rates of Bootstrap Approximation for the Operator Norm: A Coordinate-Free Approach Miles E. Lopes
Extremal process of the sine-Gordon field Michael Hofstetter
Ergodicity results for the open KPZ equation Shalin Parekh
Equivalence of metric gluing and conformal welding in γ-Liouville quantum gravity for γ ∈ (0,2) Liam Hughes and Jason Miller
On the fluctuations of an SDE system modelling grid cells Andrea Clini
Invariant measures for multilane exclusion process Gideon Amir, Christophe Bahadoran, Ofer Busani, and Ellen Saada
Solving the hyperbolic Anderson model 1: Skorohod setting Xia Chen, Aurélien Deya, Jian Song, and Samy Tindel
Deviation inequalities  and moderate deviations  for the symmetric exclusion process Fuqing Gao and Jeremy Quastel
Robust density estimation with the 𝕃1-loss. Applications to the estimation of a density on the line satisfying a shape constraint Yannick Baraud, Hélène Halconruy, and Guillaume Maillard
The extremal position of a branching random walk on the general linear group Ion Grama, Sebastian Mentemeier, and Hui Xiao
Un-inverting the Parisi formula Jean-Christophe Mourrat
Asymptotics of cross-validation Morgane Austern and Wenda Zhou
Fusion asymptotics for Liouville correlation functions Guillaume Baverez and Mo Dick Wong
Lace Expansion and Mean-Field Behavior for the Random Connection Model Markus Heydenreich, Remco van der Hofstad, and Günter Last, Kilian Matzke
On the hard edge limit of the zero temperature Laguerre beta corners process Matthew Lerner-Brecher
A Gaussian correlation inequality for plurisubharmonic functions Dario Cordero-Erausquin and Franck Barthe
A family of natural equilibrium measures for Sinai billiard flows Jérôme Carrand
Reflected BSEs, Reflected BSDEs and fixed-point problems Hun O and Mun-Chol Kim
A converse to Pitman’s theorem for a space-time Brownian motion in a type  A11 Weyl chamber Manon Defosseux, Charlie Herent
Central limit theorem over non-linear functionals of empirical measures: beyond the iid setting Roberta Flenghi and Benjamin Jourdain
Uniform attachment with freezing: Scaling limits Étienne Bellin, Arthur Blanc-Renaudie, Emmanuel Kammerer, and Igor Kortchemski
Malliavin calculus for the optimal estimation of the invariant density of discretely observed diffusions in intermediate regime Chiara Amorino and Arnaud Gloter
Uniform-in-time propagation of chaos for mean field Langevin dynamics Fan Chen, Zhenjie Ren, and Songbo Wang
Prudent walk in dimension six and higher Markus Heydenreich, Lorenzo Taggi, and Niccolo Torri
Hydrodynamics of a d-dimensional long jumps symmetric exclusion with a slow barrier Pedro Cardoso, Patrícia Gonçalves, and Byron Jiménez-Oviedo
Limiting eigenvalue distribution of heavy-tailed Toeplitz matrices Arnab Sen and Ratul Biswas
About the asymptotic behaviour of the martingale associated with the Vertex Reinforced Jump Process on trees and ℤd Valentin Rapenne
On the stability of the invariant probability measures of McKean-Vlasov equations Quentin Cormier
Massive SLE$_4$ and the scaling limit of the massive harmonic explorer Leonie Papon
Strong rate of convergence of the Euler scheme for SDEs with irregular drift driven by Levy noise Oleg Butkovsky, Konstantinos Dareiotis, and Máté Gerencsér
Local Statistics and Shuffling for Dimers on a Square-Hexagon Lattice Matthew Nicoletti
Periodicity and longtime diffusion for mean field systems in $\mathbb{R}^d$ Eric Lucon and Christophe Poquet
Gaussian Deconvolution and the Lace Expansion for Spread-Out Models Yucheng Liu and Gordon Slade
On Genericity of Non-Uniform Dvoretzky Coverings of the Circle Michihiro Hirayama and Davit Karagulyan
Sausage Volume of the Random String and Survival in a Medium of Poisson Traps Siva Athreya, Mathew Joseph, and Carl Mueller
What is a $p$-adic Dyson Brownian motion? Roger Van Peski
Recurrence, Transience and Degree Distribution for the Tree Builder Random Walk János Engländer, Giulio Iacobelli, and Rodrigo Ribeiro
Convergences of Looptrees Coded by Excursions Robin Khanfir
Localized bounds on log-derivatives of the heat kernel on incomplete Riemannian manifolds Robert Neel and Ludovic Sacchelli
On the robustness of spatial quantiles Dimitri Konen and Davy Paindaveine
Height and contour processes of Crump-Mode-Jagers forests (III): The binary, homogeneous universality class Emmanuel Schertzer