C.R. and Bhargavi Rao Prize
The C.R. and Bhargavi Rao Prize was established to honor and recognize outstanding and influential innovations in the theory and practice of mathematical statistics, international leadership in directing statistical research, and pioneering contributions by a recognized leader in the field of statistics. The Rao Prize is awarded in odd-numbered years by the Department of Statistics at Penn State University to a nominee selected by the members of the Rao Prize Committee.
Nominations for the 2015 Rao Prize should be submitted by July 1, 2014 to Dr. Hunter at depthead@stat.psu.edu by email. Candidates nominated in previous years will be considered. Nominations should include a letter describing the nominee’s outstanding contributions to leadership and research in statistics, a current curriculum vita, and two supporting letters. The award recipient will receive a medal, a cash prize, and an invitation to visit Penn State to give a talk. See http://stat.psu.edu/information/prizes-and-memorial-lectures/c.-r.-rao-prize-for-outstanding-research-in-statistics for additional details.
Gweneth Humphreys Award for Mentorship of Undergraduate Women in Mathematics
Open to all regardless of nationality and citizenship
Nomination deadline: April 30, 2014
The Executive Committee of the Association for Women in Mathematics established a prize in memory of M. Gweneth Humphreys to recognize outstanding mentorship activities. This prize is awarded annually to a mathematics teacher (female or male) who has encouraged female undergraduate students to pursue mathematical careers and/or the study of mathematics at the graduate level. The recipient will receive a cash prize and honorary plaque and will be featured in an article in the AWM Newsletter. The award is open to all regardless of nationality and citizenship. Nominees must be living at the time of their nomination.
The award will be presented at the Joint Prize Session at the Joint Mathematics Meetings every January.
The nomination should include:
• a one- to three-page letter of nomination highlighting the exceptional contributions of the candidate to be recognized; the name, position, institution, address, phone, and e-mail address of the nominee and the nominator should be included in the cover letter;
• a list of female students mentored by the nominee during their undergraduate years, with a brief account of their post-baccalaureate mathematical careers and/or graduate study in the mathematical sciences;
• supporting letters from colleagues and/or students; at least one letter from a current or former student of the candidate must be included.
• the nominee’s vita.
Nomination materials for this award should be compiled into one PDF file and submitted online at https://www.mathprograms.org/db/programs/277.
Louise Hay Award for Contribution to Mathematics Education
Awarded to women contributing to mathematics education
Nomination deadline: April 30, 2014
The Executive Committee of the Association for Women in Mathematics established the Louise Hay Award for Contributions to Mathematics Education, awarded to a woman at the Joint Prize Session at the Joint Mathematics Meetings every January. The purpose of this award is to recognize outstanding achievements in any area of mathematics education, to be interpreted in the broadest possible sense. While Louise Hay was widely recognized for her contributions to mathematical logic and for her strong leadership, her devotion to students and her lifelong commitment to nurturing the talent of young women and men secure her reputation as a consummate educator. The annual presentation of this award is intended to highlight the importance of mathematics education and to evoke the memory of all that Hay exemplified as a teacher, scholar, administrator, and human being.
The nomination should include:
• a one- to three-page letter of nomination highlighting the exceptional contributions of the candidate to be recognized;
• a curriculum vitae of the candidate not to exceed three pages and;
• three letters supporting the nomination. It is strongly recommended that the letters represent a range of constituents affected by the nominee’s work.
Nomination materials for this award should be compiled into one PDF file and submitted online at https://www.mathprograms.org/db/programs/276.
Questions? Call 703-934-0163 x215 or email awm@awm-math.org.
The Thirteenth Annual Janet L. Norwood Award for Outstanding Achievement by a Woman in the Statistical Sciences
The Section on Statistical Genetics and the Department of Biostatistics in the School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) are pleased to request nominations for the Thirteenth Annual Janet L. Norwood Award for Outstanding Achievement by a Woman in the Statistical Sciences. The award will be conferred on September 10, 2014. The award recipient will be invited to deliver a lecture at the UAB award ceremony, and will receive all expenses, the award, and a $5,000 prize.
Eligible individuals are women who have completed their terminal degree, have made extraordinary contributions and have an outstanding record of service to the statistical sciences, with an emphasis on both their own scholarship and on teaching and leadership of the field in general and of women in particular and who, if selected, are willing to deliver a lecture at the award ceremony.
For additional details about the award, please visit our website at https://www.uab.edu/soph/home/news-events/awards/other/janet-l-norwood-award.
How to nominate: Please send a full curriculum vitae accompanied by a letter of not more than two pages describing the nature of the candidate’s contributions. Contributions may be in the area of development and evaluation of statistical methods, teaching of statistics, application of statistics, or any other activity that can arguably be said to have advanced the field of statistical science. Self-nominations are acceptable.
Please send nominations to: David B. Allison, PhD, Distinguished Professor, Quetelet Endowed Professor of Public Health, Associate Dean for Science; Director, Office of Energetics; Director, Nutrition Obesity Research Center e dallison@uab.edu
Deadline for receipt of nominations is Friday June 27, 2014. Electronic submissions of nominations are encouraged. The winner will be announced by Mon 7/7/2014.
Previous Recipients
2002 Jane F. Gentleman, NCHS & VP ASA
2003 Nan M. Laird, Harvard
2004 Alice S. Whittemore, Stanford
2005 Clarice R. Weinberg, NIEHS Biostatistics Branch Chief
2006 Janet Turk Wittes, Statistics Collaborative Inc.
2007 Marie Davidian, NC State
2008 Xihong Lin, Harvard
2009 Nancy Geller, NHLBI Office of Biostatistics Research.
2010 L. Adrienne Cupples, Boston University
2011 Lynne Billard, University of Georgia
2012 Nancy Flournoy, University of Missouri
2013 Kathryn Roeder, Carnegie Mellon University
The Emanuel and Carol Parzen Prize for Statistical Innovation
The Department of Statistics at Texas A&M University invites nominations for the Emanuel and Carol Parzen Prize for Statistical Innovation. To promote the dissemination of statistical innovation, the Emanuel and Carol Parzen Prize for Statistical Innovation is awarded in even numbered years to a North American statistician whose outstanding research contributions include innovations that have had impact on practice and whose PhD degree is at least 25 years old.
The Parzen Prize is awarded by the Department of Statistics at Texas A&M University and is selected by the members of the Parzen Prize Committee (consisting of three internal faculty members and two external faculty members). The prize consists of an honorarium of $1000 and travel to College Station, TX, to present a lecture at the Prize Ceremony.
Nominations for the 2014 Parzen Prize should include a letter describing the nominee’s outstanding contributions to high impact innovative research in statistics, a current curriculum vita, and two supporting letters. Nominations should be submitted by August 15, 2014 to the Chair of the 2014 Parzen Prize Committee:
Professor Thomas Wehrly
Department of Statistics
Texas A&M University
TAMU 3143
College Station Texas 77843-3143
Previous Parzen Prize Winners:
1994 Grace Wahba, University of Wisconsin
1996 Donald P. Rubin, Harvard University
1998 Bradley Efron, Stanford University
2000 C.R. Rao, Pennsylvania State University
2002 David R. Brillinger, University of California, Berkeley
2004 Jerome H. Friedman, Stanford University
2006 Alan Gelfand, Duke University
2008 Nancy Reid, University of Toronto
Marvin Zelen, Harvard University
2010 Roger Koenker, University of Illinois
2012 Adrian Raftery, University of Washington
For more information on the Parzen Prize, please visit our website, http://www.stat.tamu.edu/events/parzenprize/index.html
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