Thursday-Friday, November 9-10, 2023 Event Location: Carleton College, One North College Street, Northfield, Minnesota Motivation: Excessive use of force by police is an urgent problem of concern to sociologists, statisticians, policymakers, and the general public. Issues with data quality, processing of unstructured data, tradeoffs between data access and privacy concerns, statistical challenges in analyzing fairness, and other topics have been highlighted as specific areas of concern. In addition, the methodologies used to analyze police use of force have also been extremely varied and results are often incompatible or rely on implausible unstated assumptions. This in-person Ingram Olkin Forum (IOF) workshop is an extension to our earlier online IOF webinar hosted in June 2021 featuring speakers Dean Knox (University of Pennsylvania), Travis Riddle (National Police Foundation), and Robin Engel (University of Cincinnati); the webinar was moderated by Claire Kelling (Carleton College). During the in-person forum, we hope to shed light not only on unique approaches and perspectives in these areas, but also to suggest steps that statisticians and researchers should consider that might aid in a deeper understanding of these issues and provide better evidence to support reform efforts. Dissemination/Expected Output: This forum will be hosted as a two-day workshop to overview research in this area and facilitate research collaborations that advance statistical methodology for analyzing police use of force. The breakout sessions will develop research groups on focused topics within the broader research area. After the workshop, we will write a white paper on the discussion and next steps discussed in the workshop and plan for each working group to produce a manuscript suitable for publishing at a scientific journal. Potential topics include: • Quality Issues with Aggregate Crime Data • Statistical Issues in Analyzing Fairness and Bias • Unstructured Data: Prospects and Challenges • Data Access and Privacy Considerations • Community Collection and Use of Policing Data • Funding Opportunities Organizing Committee: Claire Kelling, Carleton College Dean Knox, University of Pennsylvania Tarak Shah, Human Rights Data Analysis Group Greg Lanzalotto, University of Pennsylvania Contact: Please direct any questions/comments to Claire Kelling (ckelling at carleton dot edu).
November 9, 2023 - November 10, 2023
Northfield, MN, United States
Not Sponsored
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