The 2023 ICSA China Conference will be held at Chengdu, Sichuan, China from June 30 – July 3, 2023. It is co-organized by the Southwest Jiaotong University. The conference venue is Jinniu Hotel. The hotel information can be found at The theme of this conference is “Data Science with Applications to Big Data Analysis and AI”, which is in recognition of the big data era. The executive and organizing committees have been working diligently to put together a strong and comprehensive program, including keynote lectures, invited sessions, poster sessions, junior researcher award session, and exciting social events. Our scientific program reflects recent challenges in statistics, business statistics, and biostatistics, which are related to the big data analysis. The conference will provide great opportunities for learning, networking and collaborations. The participants will share the thoughts and ideas with conference guests, and receive inspirations from old research ideas and develop new ones. IMS Representative(s) on Program Committees: Yichuan Zhao