Anirban DasGupta says, “We are continuing with our contest model as in the previous puzzles. Each correct answer receives 3 points, each incorrect answer receives -2 points, and each item left unanswered receives -1 point. The top three scorers will be recognized. You can answer just one of the two problems, 52.1 and 52.2, although it will be a pleasure if you attempt both components. The non-contest problem (52.1) is really simple this time, so send your answer to at least that one!” The deadline is September 15, 2024.
Puzzle 52.1
For , let denote a permutation of . Call a pair a reversal pair of if . Denote by the set of all reversal pairs of , and by the cardinality of . Find the expected value of if is chosen uniformly at random from the set of permutations of .
Puzzle 52.2: For our contest problem, answer True or False, without the need to provide a proof. But reasoned answers are especially welcome. Here are the items.
(a) If , then the only function such that for all is .
(b) There exist real valued nonconstant random variables such that are independent, and and have the same distribution.
(c) Suppose is a graph on vertices and edges. A coloring of is an assignment of colors to the vertices of in such a way that no two vertices that share an edge receive the same color. Fix an integer and denote by the number of ways to color by using exactly colors. View as a polynomial in a real variable (you can). Then the sum of all the roots of , counting possible complex roots, does not depend on .
(d) If is a real valued random variable with (finite) variance and a median (any median), then .
(e) Suppose is distributed uniformly on the boundary of the unit ball in dimensions. Then the joint distribution of the first coordinates, can be approximated by a suitable -dimensional normal distribution with a diagonal covariance matrix.
Solution to Puzzle 51
Well done (again!) to Deborshi Das, ISI Delhi, for his correct solution to the first puzzle. You’ll find a reminder of Puzzles 51.1 and 51.2 (plus the bonus puzzle, which was for independent exploration) here.
Puzzle editor Anirban DasGupta explains:
Puzzle 51.1
The diameter of the inscribed ball is , and so the volume is , where is the volume of the unit ball in dimensions. This reduces the problem to the simple calculation of .
Puzzle 51.2
(a) The total variation distance between a binomial distribution with parameters and and the Poisson distribution with mean is no more than .
This can be checked numerically. It is about . You can also show analytically that it is less than by using Le Cam’s lemma, that the variation distance is less than .
(b) If is a Cauchy distributed variable with a location parameter , then there is no unbiased estimator of .
True. It is a known result in inference. Erich Lehmann’s estimation text is a good reference. If the sample size , then unbiased estimators do exist.
(c) If denotes a symmetric distributed variables on degrees of freedom, then one can write as where is independent of .
Consider the characteristic functions of . They are, respectively and , where is the usual notation for a Bessel -function. Then you can exhibit such that . So cannot be a characteristic function, which answers the question in the negative.
(d) If with stands for the simple symmetric random walk on the line, then there exist functions such that is not one-one, but is a Markov chain.
As a standard example, you can use . This answers the question in the affirmative.
(e) For iid observations from a univariate normal distribution with an unknown mean and a known variance of , the density is a minimax estimator of the true density among all normal density estimators under an loss.
An exact formula for the square of the risk of a general normal density estimator can be found on calculation. This can be maximized easily over the unknown mean. The maximum will not be attained; be careful. You can now see that the maximum risk is not minimized when the density estimator has variance . These are of paradoxical nature to some extent. Should you estimate a known parameter? Is the answer ‘yes, sometimes’, or is there something wrong with our formulation of the problem as a decision theory problem? Think about it; talk to others around you.
(f) Given iid samples from a -dimensional normal distribution for general , with a general mean vector and a general covariance matrix, the sample variance-covariance matrix can be written as where are nonsingular matrices.
Actually, you can assert something much more general. Take a real matrix and consider its eigenvalues, including any complex eigenvalues. Then the moduli of the eigenvalues are bounded by some finite real . Now consider a decomposition of the form where the real number is chosen to be sufficiently large.
Bonus Problem for Independent Exploration
A point in the plane is called a Gaussian position if its Cartesian coordinates are iid standard normals. Consider a triangle with vertices chosen as independent Gaussian positions. Argue for or against the motion that we should predict that the slope of the Euler line of is zero.
The slope of the Euler line is going to have a density when are iid standard normal. No formula for the density function of this slope is known, and it does not seem possible. Computing seems to show that the density of the slope has a unique global maximum at zero. So one could take the view that if we have to give a point predictor of the slope, we should say zero.