Congratulations to the 2023 Class of IMS Fellows!
The designation of IMS Fellow has been a significant honor for over 85 years. Each Fellow has demonstrated distinction in research in statistics or probability or has demonstrated leadership that has profoundly influenced the field.
Rina Foygel Barber
University of Chicago
For groundbreaking contributions to selective inference including the development of the knockoff filter. For groundbreaking contributions to model-free predictive inference including the jackknife+ and adapting conformal inference to covariate shifts. For being a role model in every possible way as a lecturer, communicator, and research adviser to students and younger researchers.
Heather Battey
Imperial College London
For contributions to statistical theory and applied probability, in particular for work on new approaches to well-calibrated high-dimensional and conditional inference, and for work on development of the theoretical foundations of statistical inference.
Pierre C. Bellec
Rutgers University
For fundamental contributions to statistical inference and adaptive estimation with high dimension data, especially to confidence intervals, risk estimation, adaptive parameter tuning and estimator aggregation.
Holger Drees
Hamburg University
For deep and penetrating contributions to the theory and application of extreme value theory from independence to stationary sequences.
Stefano Favaro
University of Torino and Collegio Carlo Alberto
For outstanding and innovative contributions on random discrete distributions, with applications to Bayesian nonparametrics and abundance of unseen species, and pioneering work on differential privacy and statistical fairness.
Yang Feng
New York University
For outstanding contributions to high-dimensional statistics, nonparametric statistics, social network analysis, and statistical machine learning; for statistical software development; and for dedicated service to the profession.
David Gamarnik
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
For contributions to discrete probability, including the theory of random graphs, algorithms and computations, as well as queueing theory.
Wensheng Guo
University of Pennsylvania
For many seminal contributions to statistical theory and methodology in the analysis of highdimensional correlated data such as those occurred in longitudinal studies, functional modeling, and time series.
Edward L. Ionides
University of Michigan
For distinguished contributions to the theory and practice of statistical inference for partially observed stochastic dynamic systems, with applications including infectious disease transmission.
Keith Knight
University of Toronto
For developing elegant mathematical statistics, including seminal contributions to quantile regression, the theoretical understanding of penalized regression methods, and breakthroughs in time series
methods and robust statistics.
Ioannis Kontoyiannis
University of Cambridge
For outstanding contributions to fundamental problems in information theory, and for consistent and important contributions in developing the deep connections of information theory with probability and statistics.
Shuangge Ma
Yale University
For fundamental contributions to methodology and theory of high-dimensional statistics and survival analysis; for outstanding contributions and leadership in the practice of statistics in public health and biomedicine.
Lester Mackey
Microsoft Research
For deep theoretical work in statistical machine learning with impactful applications.
Boaz Nadler
Weizmann Institute of Science
For seminal contributions to multivariate statistical analysis, pattern recognition, diffusion maps, machine learning, signal processing, and neuroscience.
Marcel F. Nutz
Columbia University
For outstanding contributions to probability, in particular to optimal transport, stochastic analysis, and mathematical finance, and for dedicated service to the profession.
Olivier Scaillet
University of Geneva and Swiss Finance Institute
For contributions to copula modelling, to tests of independence, goodness-of-fit testing, weak convergence tools for such inference, and to quantitative finance and insurance.
Ali Shojaie
University of Washington
For impactful contributions to statistical machine learning and statistical network analysis, including estimation and inference of directed and undirected graphical models, and high-dimensional time series; for leadership in educational initiatives to train data-savvy biomedical scientists; and for outstanding service to the community.
Scott Antony Sisson
UNSW Sydney
For substantial contributions to research in computational and Bayesian statistics, statistical extreme value theory, and the application of statistical methodology in a range of applied disciplines; for many leadership positions and for significant contributions to professional statistical bodies.
Elizabeth H. Slate
Florida State University
For substantial contributions to the theory of reparameterization, and for research on oral health and the link between selenium and cancer.
Dylan Small
University of Pennsylvania
For profound and influential research contributions to the theory, methodology and application of causal inference, for heroic service to the profession as department chair, editor, associate editor and conference organizer, and for excellence in the teaching, advising and supervision of doctoral students.
Fengzhu Sun
University of Southern California
For outstanding developments and applications of probability and statistics methods to central biological and biomedical problems, in particular, protein interaction networks and metagenomics.
Surya T. Tokdar
Duke University
For intellectual leadership is several fields of Bayesian inference, including posterior consistency, justright smoothing, and frequentist properties of Bayesian estimates, and for novel models for the analysis of neuroscience data.
Hansheng Wang
Peking University
For fundamental contribution to high dimensional data analysis including regularization parameter selection in shrinkage estimation and feature screening for ultrahigh dimensional data, for important contribution to dimension reduction and network data analysis, for his excellent editorial service, and for his excellent service on dissemination of statistical knowledge to business education and application.
Yihong Wu
Yale University
For contributions to both the statistical and computational aspects of high-dimensional and combinatorial statistical problems, mixture models, and empirical Bayes.
Eric Poe Xing
Carnegie Mellon University, Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence
For pioneering contributions to statistics and machine learning research, entrepreneurship in artificial intelligence, and leadership in AI education.
Kai Zhang
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
For novel contributions to post-selection inference, high-dimensional inference, and nonparametric inference.
Dale L. Zimmerman
University of Iowa
For the development of fundamental theory and methodology associated with complex spatial, spatiotemporal, and longitudinal data and applications to optimal spatial sampling, health data geoprivacy, and environmental statistics, and for outstanding editorial service to the profession.