Student members of IMS are invited to submit solutions to (with subject “Student Puzzle Corner”). The names of student members who submit correct solutions to either or both of these puzzles, and the answer, will be published in the issue following the deadline. The Puzzle Editor is Anirban DasGupta. His decision is final.
Student Puzzle Editor Anirban DasGupta poses another two problems, one each in probability and statistics. Send us your solution, to either or both.
Puzzle 43.1:
(i) Simulate 1,000 standard Cauchy variables, and plot
(ii) Briefly discuss what do you see in this plot that is interesting.
(iii) What is your guess for
Puzzle 43.2:
Solution to Puzzle 42
Congratulations to Soham Bonnerjee, who is a PhD student in the Department of Statistics at the University of Chicago, for his correct solution to both parts. Puzzle Corner Editor Anirban DasGupta explains the answers:
Puzzle 42.1:
It is easily seen that for any
Assuming, for example, that we can print 8 numbers in one line and that we can accommodate 40 lines in one page, we will need
Puzzle 42.2:
On the second problem, a classic result is that if
Hence, for
which gives the UMVUE of
The variance of the UMVUE uses the second moment of a central chi-square variable and is straightforward.