We are delighted to announce the 2019 election results and introduce the newly elected members of IMS Council. The next President-Elect is Regina Liu, and the five new members of Council are: Edwin Perkins, Gesine Reinert, Christian Robert, Qi-Man Shao and Alastair Young. All of them will serve a three-year term, starting at the IMS meeting at JSM Denver in July 2019.

The amendment also passed.

The new Council members will be joining 10 other Council members: Peter Hoff, Greg Lawler, Antonietta Mira, Axel Munk and Byeong Park will serve another year; Christina Goldschmidt, Susan Holmes, Xihong Lin, Richard Lockhart and Kerrie Mengersen another two. Jean Bertoin, Song Xi Chen, Mathias Drton, Elizaveta Levina and Simon Tavaré will be stepping down after their three-year terms on Council.

Council is also made up of the Executive Committee members and Editors. From the coming IMS meeting, the Executive Committee will be Susan Murphy as President, Xiao-Li Meng as Past President, Regina Liu as President-Elect, Zhengjun Zhang as Treasurer, Ming Yuan as Program Secretary, and Edsel Peña as Executive Secretary. Alison Etheridge will leave the Executive Committee this year. The Editors are Francois Delarue and Peter Friz (Annals of Applied Probability), Amir Dembo (Annals of Probability), Karen Kafadar (Annals of Applied Statistics), Richard Samworth and Ming Yuan (Annals of Statistics), Cun-Hui Zhang (Statistical Science) and T.N. Sriram (Managing Editor).

Thanks to all the Council candidates, to the outgoing members of the committees, and to all of you who voted.