We announce the class of new IMS Fellows for 2014, who will be presented at the IMS Presidential Address and Awards session at the IMS-ASC meeting in Sydney. Congratulations, Fellows!
The Fellows, and their citations, are:
Rami Atar:
for his fundamental contributions in applied and theoretical probability theory, specifically the analysis and control of stochastic networks and queues.
F. Jay Breidt:
for his influential contributions in time series analysis, survey sampling and environmental statistics.
Alexander Goldenshluger:
for his outstanding work in nonparametric and adaptive estimation, aggregation methods and change-point detection.
Thomas C.M. Lee:
for his influential work in the areas of nonparametric statistical methods, image processing, and multiple detection and tracking.
Richard A. Lockhart:
for his fundamental research in the area of model assessment and goodness-of-fit testing
Bin Nan:
for his influential contributions to statistical methods for semiparametric inference for complex survival data in the presence of missing data, bivariate survival data, and high dimensional data analysis in survival analysis.
Richard Samworth:
for his fundamental research in nonparametric classification, nonparametric inference under shape constraints and high-dimensional variable selection.
Martin Wainwright:
for his fundamental research in statistical machine learning and high-dimensional statistics, specifically sparse modeling, graphical models, data compression and coding.
Harrison H. Zhou:
for his influential work in Le Cam’s theory, nonparametric function estimation, and high-dimensional statistical inference, in particular: optimal estimation of large covariance and precision matrices.
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