Jingchen Liu receives 2013 Tweedie Award

The Institute of Mathematical Statistics has selected Jingchen Liu as the winner of this year’s Tweedie New Researcher Award. Dr. Liu received his PhD in 2008 from Harvard University, and is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics at Columbia
University. The IMS Travel Awards Committee, selected Dr. Liu, “For his excellence in research contributions in applied probability including rare-event simulation, large deviations analysis of heavy-tailed stochastic processes, and the analysis of extremal behavior of Gaussian random fields and their associated random differential equations.”

The IMS Tweedie New Researcher Award will fund Dr. Liu’s travel to present the Tweedie New Researcher Invited Lecture at the IMS New Researchers’ Conference, held this year in Montreal, Canada in August, just before the JSM.

William Studden, 1935–2013

William J. Studden, Emeritus Professor of Statistics and Mathematics at Purdue University, passed away on March 19, 2013. Professor Studden joined Purdue University in 1966 after graduating with a PhD degree from Stanford University. He was internationally renowned for his work on optimal designs, moment problems, splines, inequalities, and Tchebycheff systems. Coauthored with Samuel Karlin, his book on Tchebycheff systems with applications in analysis and statistics has influenced the work of generations of statisticians and mathematicians. He was also an avid reader of history and had a lifelong interest in antiques. He was 77.