The IMS Committee on Fellows has selected 18 new IMS Fellows this year. They will be presented at JSM in Miami, at the IMS Presidential Address on Monday, August 1, 2011, 8:00–9:30pm. The Fellows are:
Peter Bartlett, University of California at Berkeley:
For world-leading contributions to research at the interface between statistics and machine learning, including the development of a variety of measures of complexity, and for editorial service.
Gérard Ben Arous, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences:
For fundamental contributions to probability theory, including the theory of large deviations, to the theory of stochastic flows, to hypoelliptic diffusions and their associated heat kernels, to the study of metastability in spin-glass systems and aging phenomena, and to the theory of large random matrices.
Freddy Delbaen, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich:
For his wide-ranging influential research in functional analysis, probability and economics, including fundamental contributions to mathematical finance, and for similarly widespread editorial service.
Paul Dupuis, Brown University:
For seminal research in broad areas of pure and applied probability, for expository publications that have helped shape important research areas, for editorial work for many leading journals, and for vital leadership within his university and in the wider academic community.
Jiashun Jin, Carnegie Mellon University:
For outstanding contributions to sparse signal recovery, the analysis of high-dimensional data more generally and the optimality of statistical methods, exhibiting deep technical expertise and the ability to create path-breaking new research strategies.
Wesley Johnson, University of California at Irvine:
For world-class contributions in various areas of statistical methodology and applications, including the topics of influential observations, diagnostic screening tests, asymptotics and Bayesian nonparametric survival analysis; and for authoritative editorial service.
Estate Khmaladze, Victoria University of Wellington:
For highly-regarded work on empirical processes, especially based on martingale representations, and on geometric probability, the latter involving a deep combination of methods from differential geometry and statistics that has implications for applied areas such as image analysis.
Wolfgang Polonik, University of California at Davis:
For many important and mathematically challenging results in nonparametric regression and time series, often involving the rigorous application of nontrivial techniques for handling empirical processes; and for editorial service.
William F. Rosenberger, George Mason University:
For major contributions in sequential analysis and clinical trials, involving rigorous treatment of adaptive randomization and response-adaptive design and including development of a framework for optimal allocations, work that has been accepted by practitioners as the standard in the field.
Laurent Saloff-Coste, Cornell University:
For exceptional contributions at the interface between probability and analysis, especially concerning the mixing of Markov chains, random walks on groups, and the use of probabilistic methods for the study of heat kernel bounds.
Marta Sanz-Solé, University of Barcelona:
For influential work in a variety of branches of stochastic analysis, including anticipating calculus, large deviations and especially the application of Malliavin calculus to stochastic partial differential equations; and for leadership within the European Mathematical Society.
Gordon Slade, University of British Columbia:
For fundamental contributions to the study of percolation, self avoiding walks and related topics, in particular for internationally-acclaimed extensive development of the lace expansion method of studying critical phenomena in high dimensions.
Hal Stern, University of California at Irvine:
For world-class Bayesian methodological research, especially in the context of hierarchical models, for influential interdisciplinary work in disease mapping and health statistics, medicinal imaging, biology and the atmospheric sciences, and for extensive professional service.
Maria Eulália Vares, Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas, Rio de Janeiro:
For important contributions to interacting particle systems, metastability, large deviations and hydrodynamics of these systems, especially to stochastic systems motivated by statistical physics problems; also for editorial service and for scientific leadership in South America.
Weng Kee Wong, University of California at Los Angeles:
For prolific and path-breaking work on optimal design, including continuous optimal designs, min-max, heteroscedastic and multi-objective optimal designs, and for substantial editorial service.
Yimin Xiao, Michigan State University:
For world-leading contributions in the fractal analysis of stochastic processes and sample functions of random fields, for developing a potential theory for a wide class of Markov random fields, and for the solution of long-standing problems concerning additive Lévy processes.
Chunming Zhang, University of Wisconsin, Madison:
For influential contributions to theory and methodology for high-dimensional data, for unifying common loss functions through Bregman divergence, and for fundamental work in nonparametric and semiparametric methodology together with applications in multiple testing, brain-imaging and finance.
Hongtu Zhu, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill:
For outstanding and prolific work in handling missing data problems and latent variable models, in developing neuroimaging ideas including diffusion tensor image methodology, and in creating a general approach to diagnostics.
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