Statistics, up to now a category within the Math archive, will now be a top-level archive. See The existing math.ST category will be linked to new stat.TH category.

The statistics archive is organized into the following five categories:

  • Applications (stat.AP): Biology, Education, Epidemiology, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Medical, Physical Sciences, Quality Control, Social Sciences
  • Computation (stat.CO): Algorithms, Simulation, Visualization
  • Machine Learning (stat.ML): Classification, Graphical Models, High Dimensional Inference
  • Methodology (stat.ME): Design, Surveys, Model Selection, Multiple Testing, Multivariate Methods, Signal and Image Processing, Time Series, Smoothing, Spatial Statistics, Survival Analysis, Nonparametric and Semiparametric Methods
  • Theory (stat.TH, linked to math.ST): Asymptotics, Bayesian Inference, Decision Theory, Estimation, Foundations, Inference, Testing

For more information, see