The central purpose of Statistical Science is to convey the richness, breadth and unity of the field by presenting the full range of contemporary statistical thought at a moderate technical level, accessible to the wide community of practitioners, researchers and students of statistics and probability.


Statistical Science is launching a new venture called ’Short Communications’.

Short communications will have an upper bound of 10 pages with references and could comprise philosophical musings on current research areas; alternative proofs and interpretations of important existing statistical results; suggestions for new methodology; short new proofs of new results or simulation experiments that point out downsides of a widely used procedure that have hitherto gone unnoticed. Short communications should not be used as an introduction for a long arXiv paper or supplement. Note that the platform is not intended to incorporate isolated short technical results. On the other hand,  an interesting interpretation of an important existing result that is consequential or a theorem that builds on existing results in a broad area and provides key insights is admissible.

A screening committee will judge the suitability of submissions to Short Communications. It is possible for a paper to not meet the bar for a Short Communication but be eventually published as a Statistical Science paper. Authors wishing to target ‘Short Communications’ should indicate that they want a submitted paper to be considered for the platform since a short paper does not automatically qualify as a short communication.

Editorial Board



Moulinath Banerjee (2023-2025)

Associate Editors

Fadoua Balabdaoui George Michailidis
Shankar Bhamidi Peter Mueller
Jay Breidt Axel Munk
Matias D. Cattaneo Jean Opsomer  
Nilanjan Chatterjee Sonia Petrone 
Yang Chen Thomas Richardson 
Bertrand Clarke Pietro Rigo
Michael J. Daniels Jason Roy
Philip Dawid Parthanil Roy
Holger Dette  Purnamrita Sarkar 
Robin Evans Richard J. Samworth
Stefano Favaro Bodhisattva Sen
Subhashis Ghoshal  Yuekai Sun
Peter Green Pragya Sur
Tailen Hsing Ambuj Tewari
Nan Jiang Lorenzo Trippa
Samory Kpotufe Bin Yu
Po-Ling Loh  Giacomo Zanella
Ian McKeague

Managing Editor

Dan Nordman

Production Editor

Patrick Kelly

Past Editors

Sonia Petrone (2020 – 2022)
Past Editors from previous years