Submission of Papers

Submission of a manuscript implies (a) that the same work has not been published before; (b) that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; and (c) that its publication has been approved by all co-authors.

All submissions to Annals of Statistics must be made electronically through the IMS’s Electronic Journal Management System (EJMS). Your manuscript should be prepared according to the instructions on Preparation of Manuscripts.

Authors should then access the EJMS at If you are a first time user you must complete the registration, but you only need register once. As a registered user, you will have the ability to upload your manuscript as a PDF file.

As part of the submission process you will be required to specify the subject area or areas of the paper from a pop-up list which is also available here. This information will expedite the reviewing process of the paper but will only be used within that process. Please do your best to choose the subject area or areas closest to your paper, but if you are unable to do so please select “Other” and state the general subject area of the paper in your comments to the Editors.

If desired, you may use the “Comments to the editor” box to suggest referees who are experts in fields relevant for the submitted paper with the understanding that the editors, along with the associate editors, may or may not choose to utilize the suggestions. Please do not canvass or directly contact the suggested referees about your paper.

Supplemental files

You may also upload supplemental files. These may include:

  • Unpublished or not easily available papers cited in the manuscript
  • Letters or messages to the Editors too long or technical to be simply typed into the text box on the main submission page
  • Supporting technical appendices that may be made electronically available on the AOS website if the paper is published.

Please ensure that you fill in the “brief description” box clearly for each supplemental file.

Revisions of papers

Please submit revised papers via EJMS.  Detailed instructions are included in the email informing you of the editors’ decision on the original paper. Please note that if a revision is not submitted within two years of the decision date, then the paper will be automatically withdrawn from the system.  A revision submitted after that time will be treated as a new submission.

Procedure for accepted papers

If your paper reaches final acceptance stage, you will be asked to provide Mattson Publishing Services and the Production Editor with a LaTeX file of the final version. You will also be asked to supply source files for figures along with a PDF file of the full paper. Later in the production process, the corresponding author will receive email regarding galley proofs. This email will also include instructions for returning corrections as well as links to forms required for publication.

Inexperienced Authors

The Editors are aware of the difficulties that inexperienced authors (particularly those who are not members of well-established departments) may face; see the Guidelines for Associate Editors for further details of our policy on this matter. If you are such an author, please try to find a colleague (maybe a more senior colleague such as your PhD advisor, or maybe a peer who can give you honest feedback) to read through your paper before submission to make sure it is clear and well presented. If that has not been possible, or you still have residual concerns about this aspect of your paper, please indicate this in the “Comments to the Editor” box when you submit the paper.