IMS Bulletin Editor Vlada Limic writes:

I am very happy to bring you news of Leonid Mytnik’s Humboldt-Forschungspreis. Leonid and I met, not entirely by chance, in Bamberg, Francony in late March. The von Humboldt symposium held there for a few days was an exceptional event for me in many ways. It was the first time I had seen Leonid in person for about ten years. It was my first time in Bamberg, a UNESCO World Heritage site, unknown to me a year ago. It was the first time I participated in a ceremony that honored 46 scientists from many different disciplines simultaneously. Leonid was not among that 46—he will be honored later this year at the von Humboldt Annual Meeting in Berlin—but I was. Last November I received a Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel-Forschungspreis, an analog of Leonid’s award in my (lighter) scientific category. My host is Anja Sturm at Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen. I look forward to this exciting year. Since there is no “free lunch”, at the moment I am paying in time spent on all the practical aspects. I will most likely be quiet for a while. Before that, let me use this opportunity to thank again those who made my year.