We are saddened to bring news that five of our community have passed away recently. We do not yet have full details, but obituaries will appear for these colleagues in due course.

Steven F. Arnold, Professor of Statistics at Pennsylvania State University, passed away December 6. He was born in 1944 in Milwaukee, WI, and is survived by his wife Rana and two children. Professor Arnold made significant contributions to multivariate analysis, linear models, patterned covariances, repeated measures, and invariance. He authored the highly successful Theory of Linear Models (Wiley, 1981) and Mathematical Statistics in 1990. With A. Stuart and K. Ord, he co-authored the revision of the classic Kendall-Stuart Inference text in 1998.

Eugene Dynkin, Cornell University’s A.R. Bullis Professor of Mathematics emeritus, died November 14, aged 90. Laurent Saloff-Coste described him as a “worldwide leader in probability theory and a superb lecturer who dazzled generations of students.” He was also a world-class algebraist. Dynkin was an IMS Fellow. See the announcement at http://www.news.cornell.edu/stories/2014/11/mathematician-eugene-dynkin-dies-90

Moshe Shaked, also an IMS Fellow, was professor emeritus in the Department of Mathematics at The University of Arizona. He passed away October 28, aged 69. Moshe received his MS from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and his PhD from the University of Rochester. He had visiting positions at Stanford University and the University of British Columbia. He also held faculty positions at the University of New Mexico and Indiana University. He co-wrote with J. George Shanthikumar Stochastic Orders.

Rutgers Statistics Department professor emeritus Henry Teicher passed on November 12 at the age of 92. In a notice published in the New York Times he was described as “a pillar of the department before his retirement [who] continued to be admired for his outstanding scholarship. His wide recognition led to visiting appointments at Stanford, Columbia, New York University and the University of Perugia. His classic book with Y.S. Chow on probability theory educated generations of graduate students. He was elected fellow of the IMS in recognition of his seminal research in mathematical statistics and probability.” (See http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/nytimes/obituary.aspx?n=henry-teicher&pid=173254273)

Professor Marvin Zelen of the Department of Biostatistics of the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) passed away on November 15, at age 87. Karen Feldscher said, “He was known as a giant in the field of biostatistics, as well as a man of vision, generosity, and warmth. He is credited with transforming HSPH’s biostatistics department into a best in the country.” Read more at http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/features/in-memoriam-prof-marvin-zelen-a-tremendous-force-in-biostatistics/