Puzzle editor Anirban DasGupta returns with these puzzles in our contest model. Each correct answer receives 3 points, each incorrect answer receives -2 points, and each item left unanswered receives -1 point. You can answer just one of the two problems, 55.1 and 55.2, but it will be fantastic if you attempt both.
Puzzle 55.1
Let be iid , the Cauchy distribution with median and scale parameter .
(a) Prove rigorously that the number of roots of the likelihood equation is an odd integer between 1 and .
(b) Find with precise reasoning .
Puzzle 55.2, the contest problem. For each question, just say True or False, without the need to provide a proof. But answers with some explanations are especially welcome. Here are the items.
(a) A quadratic is called a Gaussian quadratic if are i.i.d. standard normal. If denote the two roots of a Gaussian quadratic, then the expectation of does not exist.
(b) In the standard linear model , no quadratic function can be an unbiased estimate of a linear function .
(c) There exists a location parameter density on the real line such that the average of the three sample quartiles is asymptotically the most efficient among all convex combinations of the three sample quartiles.
(d) Suppose is a strictly increasing continuous function. Then there is a minimum value of , and the minimum is attained at a unique real number .
(e) Let denote an matrix all of whose elements are . If denotes the supremum of the determinant of all such matrices , then has a finite limit superior.
(f) Sixteen equally good soccer teams are going to play in a tournament, in which teams are paired up in random, and a team to lose a match is eliminated from the tournament. The probability that teams and will meet each other at some point in the tournament is more than .
Solution to Puzzle 54
Congratulations to IMS student member Yutong Wang (London School of Economics and Political Science), whose answers to Puzzle 54 were correct!
Guest puzzle editor Stanislav Volkov explains:
Suppose that , are Bernoulli() random variables and denote .
Then and this upper bound can be achieved.
Since and by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we have
On the other hand, this variance can be achieved by setting all .
Suppose that , are Bernoulli() random variables and denote . Let , and let be the fractional part of (which can be ). Then , and this lower bound can be achieved.
(a) First, let us show that this is indeed the lowest possible value. For simplicity, assume that (the case when is an integer can be handled similarly).
We claim that for any integer-valued random variable , with , the variance cannot be less than , and moreover this minimum is achieved when with probability one; in this case , , and the variance is indeed .
Suppose the contrary and the minimum is achieved for some such that . Then there exists either such that , or such that . Because of symmetry, it suffices only to study the first case.
Indeed, assume that there is an such that . We shall show that the variance of can be made strictly smaller. Since , there must be an integer such that . Let . Note also that . Take a very small and create a new variable by changing the probabilities only at three points: by setting
To ensure that the probabilities sum up to and to keep unchanged, we need
Solving for and gives
which is possible as long as is small enough.
However, with this change, the variance of will decrease:
so contradicting the assumption that has the smallest variance. By the same argument, we can show that if for some , then does not have the smallest variance.
(b) Now let us show how this minimum can be achieved. Let be the circumference of a circle centred at the origin, and let be a point uniformly chosen on . Consider arcs on , , such that contains all the points located between angles and . Let if contains and set otherwise. It is easy to check that for all .
On the other hand, it is easy to check that As a result, is a Bernoulli() random variable, resulting in the statement of the claim.
Now let . Then and thus by Lemma 1 which has the largest achievable value at . By the same token, from Lemma 2, which has the lowest achievable value at where .