The Department of Statistics at the University of Michigan (UM) will host a conference titled “Synergies between Nonparametrics, Sequential Analysis, and Modern Data Science” on the UM campus from September 29 to 30, 2023. The conference will feature distinguished speakers in non-parallel sessions, covering a range of topics including:

  • Sequential Analysis in Clinical Trials
  • Shape Constraints and Applications
  • Limit Theorems for Dependent Data
  • Modern Data Science and Reinforcement Learning
  • Semi-, Nonparametrics and Selection Biases
  • Astrostatistics in the 21st Century

It aims to celebrate the remarkable contributions of Michael Woodroofe to Statistics and Probability and provide a platform for exchanging ideas. Registration for the conference is now open. Junior researchers and graduate students who present posters may receive priority in securing financial support from the anticipated NSF funding for this event. To register and see the most up-to-date information, please visit

IMS Representative(s) on Program Committees: Mouli Banerjee, Tailen Hsing, Bodhi Sen, Jiayang Sun