Yong Zeng, University of Missouri–Kansas City, has become a permanent program director and Jun Zhu, University of Wisconsin–Madison, became a rotator program director of the Division of Mathematical Sciences in the National Science Foundation Directorate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. They join Yulia Gel of The University of Texas at Dallas and Edsel Peña of the University of South Carolina–Columbia, who are in their second and third years, respectively, as rotator program directors of the statistics program.

There is also a new Program Director in the Probability Program, Dr. Elizabeth Wilmer, who is a professor at Oberlin College & Conservatory. She joined NSF in September 2022 as a Rotator Program Director. She joins Dr. Tomek Bartoszynski, a permanent program director, in the Probability Program. (See https://beta.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/probability).