Among the 57 ASA Fellows elected this year are the following 15 IMS members and/or Fellows:

Edoardo M. Airoldi, Temple University: For contributions to foundations of network data analysis, to causal inference and experimental design in complex settings, and to statistical computing; for promoting statistics and data science across disciplinary boundaries; and for exceptional mentoring of students and postdocs.

Robert Brandon Gramacy, Virginia Tech: For contributions to research on surrogate modeling of computer experiments, uncertainty quantification, and Gaussian processes; for service to the society and broader statistical community; and for educational contributions through academic mentoring and workshops.

Sergei Leonov, CSL Behring: For methodological contributions to optimal experimental design, adaptive designs, and pharmacokinetics in the context of drug development; for leading interdisciplinary project teams in the pharmaceutical industry; and for service to the profession.

Jialiang Li, National University of Singapore: For outstanding contributions to statistical methodology, including diagnostic medicine, nonparametric regression, and personalized medicine; for outstanding mentoring of students; and for sustained research and collaboration involving statistical analysis of medical data.

Liang Li, MD Anderson Cancer Center: For excellent and sustained statistical research and collaboration in the analysis of observational longitudinal cohort studies and chronic disease research and for outstanding service to the profession.

Qizhai Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences: For outstanding contributions to statistical methodology in cancer genetics and genetic epidemiology, particularly in genome-wide association studies and candidate gene analysis, and for key contributions to diagnostic medicine and high-dimensional data analysis in biomedical research.

Jinchi Lv, University of Southern California: For fundamental contributions to high-dimensional statistics, large-scale inference, and machine learning, as well as for outstanding editorial service.

Louis T. Mariano, RAND Corporation: For excellence in the application of modern statistical methods to novel application, particularly in education and military personnel policy; for outstanding contributions to statistics in public policy; and for leadership in education research.

Robert A. Oster, University of Alabama at Birmingham: For notable contributions to the health science research community in the field of statistics through diverse collaborations; for furthering statistics education in the health sciences; and for service and exceptional leadership to the ASA and other professional societies.

Xiaofeng Shao, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: For pioneering nonparametric inference for time series and high-dimensional inference using nonlinear dependence metrics, especially in developing self-normalization for dependent data and bootstrapping time series, and for excellence in student mentoring and service to the profession.

Yiyuan She, Florida State University: For novel and sustained contributions to high-dimensional and robust statistics; for promotion of sound application of statistical theory and optimization in signal processing and machine learning; and for excellence in mentoring, instruction, and service to the profession.

Haonan Wang, Colorado State University: For pioneering work in object-oriented data analysis; for fundamental contributions to statistical learning, spatial statistics, and model selection; and for service to the profession.

Daniela M. Witten, University of Washington: For pioneering work in statistical learning; for developing new and impactful statistical methods for analysis of data from diverse fields; and for innovation in teaching and communicating statistical machine learning to a broad non-technical audience.

Victor J. Yohai, Universidad de Buenos Aires: For outstanding research contributions in robustness for linear models, multivariate methods, and time series; for leadership in statistics in Latin America; and for creating a group of excellence in robustness in Argentina.

Zhengyuan Zhu, Iowa State University: For excellence in survey practice; for superb contributions to statistical theory and methods in spatial statistics, spatial sampling design, survey statistics, and functional data analysis; and for service to the profession.


You can read the complete list of ASA Fellows, and the other awards given this year, in the awards booklet that you can view or download at