The United States National Academy of Sciences (NAS) has announced the election of 120 members, and 23 international members, in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research. Those elected this year bring the total number of active members to 2,565 and the total number of international members to 526. International members are nonvoting members of the Academy, with citizenship outside the United States.

Among those elected are the following three IMS members and Fellows: Robert E. Kass, Maurice Falk Professor of Statistics and Computational Neuroscience and Endowed Chair, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh; Xihong Lin, coordinating director, program in quantitative genomics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; and professor of statistics, Department of Biostatistics, Harvard University, Boston; and Alison Etheridge, professor of probability, department of statistics, University of Oxford (UK: international member).

Also well-known in our community is Dominique Picard, emeritus professor, mathematics, Paris Diderot University, who was elected an international member.